Our directors are available to teach workshops at your venue or for individual consultations. Carol and Martha have extensive international teaching experience and unique private practices. To learn more, click on the following links:
Carol Swann (Berkeley, CA)
Martha Eddy (New York, NY)
Our Executive Director, Carol Swann, is available for private sessions or
for workshops at your venue. She specializes in Vocal Somatics, Group Process and
Conflict Facilitation, Alexander Technique, Somatic Therapy, Dance Improvisation and Authentic Movement.

Carol Swann is a teacher, private practitioner, facilitator, director,
performer and activist. Her work is focused on contributing toward a more
socially just and connected world. She grew up in an Intentional Community
committed to the training and practice of nonviolent direct action and
consensus decision making. She has extensive experience in founding, directing
and running non-profits, collectives, projects and events. She has been
teaching and performing Somatic based work for thirty-five years in the U.S.,
Latin America, Russia, Israel and Europe. She is a seasoned facilitator in
group process and conflict facilitation. She brings unique skills in community
building through: Somatic interactions, co-operative games, group singing and
movement work.
She teaches classes and workshops in:
Voice through the Body, Improvisation, Somatic Therapy (RSMTsm), (graduate
of the Professional Hakomi Institute of San Franciso and certified from the
Process Work Institute of Portland), Group Process and Conflict Facilitation
(influenced by Arnold Mindell's work in "Worldwork"), Authentic
Movement, Group Singing, Co-operative Games and The Alexander Technique (AmSAT
She is also a Certified Massage Therapist, has certification pending in
Pilates and has maintained a private practice in all the above in conjunction
with the workshops and classes she teaches. Alone or with other colleagues she
collaborates in teaching facilitation and conflict facilitation workshops and
Somatic Therapy (Psychology)
Combines the principles of the "Hakomi Method" of Body Psychotherapy,
and "Process Work" (Arnold Mindell) to create a dynamic container for
individual, couples or relationship work. Carol's extensive training is
Somatic Movement Re-patterning modalities such as Body-Mind Centering
(R), Laban Movement Analysis, Movement Improvisation and Voice work can
further invite the many parts of each person or relationship into a
wider range of expression if appropriate. Carol's focus is to support
each clients work with compassion, curiosity, ease and expression in
order to unravel each individuals own truth and the patterns in the way.
She has taught in venues and institutions such as:
Movement Research (N.Y.), Esalen Institute (CA.), Omega Institute (N.Y.), Tufts University (Mass.), Javierana University (Bogotá, Columbia), Stanford
Univ. (CA.), Theater School of Amsterdam (Holland), European Dance Development
Center (Holland), Bevegungs Art (Germany), Moving Arts (Germany), Tanzfabrik
(Germany), Chisenhale (England), The Modern Dance School of Budapest and
Improvisation Festival (Hungary), Theatre Academy of Helsinki (Finland),
Findhorn Community (Scotland), Moscow Contact Improvisation Festival (Russia),
Acappella Motion, Island Movement, OutFall, Dance New England, Northern
California Dance Collective, Art of Community, The West Coast Contact
Improvisation Festival of CA, The Seattle Improvisation Festival and Alexander
Technique Schools in: Italy, Switzerland, Germany and France.
She has Performed and Collaborated with:
Ester Gal, Ka Rustler, Angus Balbernie, Daniel Lepkoff,
Andrew Harwood, Jess Curtis, Stephanie Maher, Cathy Caraker, Katerina Ericson, Vitali Kononov,
Anna Halprin, Chris Mathias, Brenton Cheng, Peggy Hackney, Lisa Smidt, Julyen Hamilton, Kirstie Simpson, Tomaj Trenda, Nancy Stark Smith, Byran
Brown, Hillel Kraus and others.
Her studies and work
have been greatly influenced by:
Her parents, Marj and Bob Swann, Steve Paxton, Yvonne Rainer,
Simone Forti, Anna Halprin, Andre Bernard, Bonnie Bainbridge
Cohen, Meredith Monk, Trisha Brown, Daniel Lepkoff, Ismael Houston Jones, John Roland, Irene Dowd, Release Technique, Roy Hart
Theater, Process Work (Arnie Mindell), Janet Adler, Peggy Hackney, Ruth Zaporah, Aikido and numerous other artists and art
forms, nature and politics.
Work in Facilitation has included:
Pleasanthill Co-housing, Old Oakland Co-housing, NCDC (Northern California
Dance Collective), The West Coast Contact Festival, Cell Space, Moving On
Center-School of Participatory Arts and Somatic Research, Conflict Facilitation
Training workshop in Berkeley with Laird Schaub, Emerald Earth, Alice Arts
Center of Oakland, The Zen Center of Berkeley, Arlington Food Co-op, The
Cambridge Food Co-op, American Friends Service Committee and The Noodle Factory
in Oakland.
She is a co-founding member/director and teacher of the workshops:
Acappella Motion (Smith College, Mass.), Island Movement (Maine), New Forms
Dance (Boston) , Outfall (CA.) Conflict Facilitation with Laird Schaub, My
Body's Talking, Is Anyone Listening? (Art of Community), and Project Mexico.
She has been the Administrative Director for the following non-profits:
The Folk Arts Center of New England (Boston), The Ethnic Folk Arts Center
(N.Y.), Movement Research (N.Y.), Interface (CA.)
She is currently Co-Founder, Executive Director and core faculty at MOC.
Additional Training:
* Unlearning White Liberal Racism - two year intensive study group
* Re-Evaluation Counseling - seven years, focusing on internalized and institutionalized oppression and social injustice in society
* Process Work/World Work - Arnie Mindell (Certificate)
* Nonviolent Communication Workshops - Marshall Rosenberg
* Intensive Facilitation Training - Cedar Rapids, Ohio
* Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis Training (one year)
* Body-Mind Centering® (three year training)
* Early Practioner of Authentic Movement 1983-present
* Practiced and taught Contact Improvisation 1977-2010
Self Assessment of unique strengths as a process consultant:
I use Somatic skills in connecting the cognitive with the body. I like to
assist people's understanding of themselves and others through various
exercises that engage people from a deeper body-mind awareness such as: paying
attention to body sensations, postures and gestures that allow unconscious
expression to be put into meaning, moving people into groups or formations that
generate dialogue differently, encouraging people to switch roles to experience
the opposite polarity which is often inside them, looking at emotional charges
through mindfulness and amplification etc.
I have extensive experience bringing "play" (new games, singing
and movement work) as tools for:
community building, co-operative problem solving and intervention. I utilize my skills as a Psyco-social Activist to help look at deeper themes
(systemic) that sometimes get overlooked by general themes or vice versa, help
to sort out what is someone's personal work versus the collective's work.
Contact Information:
1029 Stannage Ave.
Albany, CA. 94706
(510) 524-5013
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My private practice centers in movement. I use Dynamic Embodimenttm
a blend of exercise, movement exploration, verbal guidance, voice
work, and touch to facilitate self-awareness, movement ease, and
enhanced expression. I combine my experience as director of Dynamic
Embodiment somatic movement therapy, and education as an exercise
physiologist, teacher of Body-Mind Centering, Certified Laban
Movement Analyst, registered somatic movement therapist, with a
Doctorate in Movement Science and Education to meet the specific
needs of clients. As a performer and educator I enjoy the spontaneous
interplay of meeting and working with new people and themes. I also
draw on my training in diverse holistic practices such as nutrition,
herbology, and massage therapy to inform my referrals to other
skilled professionals. I am delighted to work with infants and their
parents, as well as children, working professionals, and elders, who
come for sessions with a wide variety of goals. I consult with
hospitals and schools in developing programs and for staff
development. I also do choreographic coaching, embodied conflict
resolution, and develop multi-media approaches to embodiment.
Other projects:
health care: Moving On from Cancer for Women with Breast Cancerwww.Movingforlife.org
Global Water Dances www.GlobalWaterDances.org
Resolution through Movement and Dance (92nd Street Y)www.EmbodyPeace.org
Development www.eyesopenminds.com
Design: www.Bodyconsciousdesign.com
Anatomy and Kinesiology
Applied Kinesiology
Experiential Anatomy (undergraduate and graduate levels)
Exercise Physiology
Exercise Physiology for Movement Educators
Experiential Physiology
Fitness and Wellness
Designing Fitness Programs
Dynamic Movement, Dynamic Health
Easing Physical Stress
Injury Reduction
Reducing Hypertension with Exercise and Relaxation Strategies
Stress Reduction Theory and Practice
Weight Reduction Theories
Motor Development
Perceptual-Motor Development or Movement Re-Training
Neuro-muscular Repatterning
Movement Observation and Analysis
Conflict Resolution and Communication Skills through Dance and Movement
Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) (Can be taught in a 2 four-day intensive format - includes motif writing
and all Laban Certification pre-requisites.)
Non-Verbal Communication: Observation and Research Skills
Movement Skill Instruction
Aerobic Training including Low-Impact Aerobics & Aerobic Dance
Contact Improvisation
Body Wisdom (Body Awareness and Somatic Practice)
Bartenieff Fundamentals of Movement/Movement Efficiency Practices
Modern Dance Technique (Contemporary; Somatic-based), Improvisation, Composition
Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education
Creative Movement and Dance Making for Children
Movement Education Pedagogy (for toddlers =>older adults)
Research Methods
Qualitative Analysis of Movement: Observation and Research Methods
The Role of Movement Observation in Dance Research
Somatic Movement Theory
Overview of Somatic Movement Education and Therapy
Somatic Movement Education and Therapy: Theory and Applications
*Martha Eddy has provided these lectures and courses while serving on the faculties of the Antioch Graduate School, Columbia University's Teachers College, Connecticut College, Hampshire College, Hope College, Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies, New York University, San Francisco State University and the School for Body Mind Centering.
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